mardi 29 mai 2007

pocket pc

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Forum: Pocket PC Posted By: RichOutlaw Post Time: 05-29-2007 at 03:34 PM. The big news last week was the arrival of the T-Mobile Wing, one of the first Windows Mobile 6 devices to hit the American market. I’ll point you to some of the reviews, including videos. Plus, we’ll note more Windows Mobile 6 news and . Tired of trying to access flash vids online with your mobile Pocket PC? Tried to access YouTube and couldn't view the videos? There is a new application out that appears to provide a worthy solution to the problem hello i jsut got this phone today and i currently have not bought a new SD i installed a version of icq for pocket pc..and it makes it slow..and i cant figured out how to uninstall it..can someone help me? Is windows mobile 6.0 upgrade available for Cingular (now AT&T) 8125 PC Phones (HTC based). Where would the download be available? Thanks Jawahar. I am looking for instrumental ringtones for my 8125, but want to avoid the free sites that just keeping sending stuff to the phone. Any suggestions? i miss my treo with palm software. wm5 & most of the programs for it are buggy & just dont work, anyone know how or if its possible to install palm os on a ppc? I am looking for some kind of software or plugin that will display all running applications on the start bar or in the system tray. Something small that I can switch between running apps and or close them. Thanks in advance for any and . this is a great idea.. i seem to remember there are shopping list type programs that include some of this functionality, so keep looking until you find a program to do what you say and let us know. i really think this is a great idea, . Kinda of in the same area of what you're asking is a phone service called Frucall which lets you call an 800#, enter the UPC code, and then get the best prices available online. Art de la table